Despite our best efforts, there are some teens who just more susceptible to the negative influences in TV, among peers, even role models whom our son or daughter chose to emulate. There’s also the problem of too much uncensored content in the internet, cell phones, video games…and it’s hard to keep track what your teenager is watching or reading or participating into. As a result, our children pick up bad habits, adopt an unenthusiastic attitude regarding priorities in life or worse, get into a cycle of self- destructive behavior with wanton and disregard.If your teenager:
- has become apathetic and disinterested in anything
- has been breaking household rules
- has become mean, resentful, or angry all the time
- has become very untidy and sloppy
- is hanging with peers you suspect are abusing substances
- has been abusing substances or medication for whatever reason
- is losing weight unhealthily without any reason
- has been stealing, cheating, or fencing valuables
Your teenager may in trouble more than you know. You need to get into the details of this matter and see if there is anything you can do before this problem could get out of hand., If left untreated, these problem can develop into even more severe problems in later life.
Welcome to Teen Wilderness Programs
If you are seeking for ways to help your troubled teen, you are in the right place. Teen Wilderness Programs is an online resource site for everything you need to know about teenage problems, its causes and the things you can do to counteract it. Learn more about the most popular intervention method, the Teen Wilderness Program, and also other intervention strategies such as boot camps, residential treatment camps, and other youth and summer camp.
What is a Teen Wilderness Program?
Teen wilderness programs are residential treatment programs generally used as an intervention for troubled teenagers and at-risk youth. Teen wilderness programs tend to differ from each other in terms of treatment model and approaches, but all employ humanistic, open communication, or cognitive behavioral approaches as opposed to the high intensity, highly confrontational models that other methods employ, such as those found in a teen boot camp.
Over the years, teen wilderness programs has become a favorable intervention after a number of independent studies showed strong success rates in treating a wide variety of teenage problems. Also, reports have consistently showed how teen wilderness programs have reduced recidivism rates compared to confrontational models.