Should Your Teen Be Sent to a Wilderness Camp?

Not every troubled teen should be sent to a wilderness camp. There are many factors which need to be considered. The first is the nature of your teen’s troubles. Here is a list of types of behavior which can be successfully treated by a stay at a wilderness camp. Does your teen fit into any of the following situations?

  • Lying to their parents
  • Clashing with their teachers
  • Lacking interest and motivation
  • Falling behind in their academic studies
  • Becoming rebellious and disobedient
  • Hanging around with the wrong crowd

It’s important that your teen goes to the right type of . A wilderness camp is not a boot camp or a military school. A wilderness camp has enjoyed great success in changing the life of countless troubled teens but only when the teen fits the category of needing a wilderness camp experience.

You can get the therapy sessions your teen might need by going to a therapist in your area on a weekly basis. But each time that happens, your teen returns home to their family, school and friends. The best way to make a major impact on your teen’s life is to make a break. Get away from the routine and contacts which have been a big part of their troubles.

Replace the home environment with a new and beautiful one. Use the stunning beauty of the wilderness to open the eyes of your teen, to jolt them out of their problems. Using therapy on site but in the isolated location of a wilderness camp will give added strength to the plan to change your teen.

How important is the Health of your Child?

It goes without saying that every parent with a teenager in trouble wants to help their son or daughter. What you as a parent needs is advice and guidance as to how best you can help. If your child suits the type of teen who can benefit from a stay at a wilderness camp then you should send them there at the first opportunity.

Allowing your teen to remain in their bored or angry or depressed state is bad for everyone. The whole family is affected when one member gets into trouble. There should be no question of sending your child to camp. The only issue is which camp and when can it happen?

Cost may be an issue because camps usually run between 30 and 60 days and can be expensive and cost up to $30,000 which includes everything including the specific therapy. There are usually loans available at reasonable rates meaning that cost should not prevent your child going to a camp.

When serious behavioral problems set in, a weekend holiday is not the solution. Serious problems need serious care and a wilderness camp is a proven way of making definite and lasting changes to your teen.

Should you send your teen to a wilderness camp? If it’s the best option for the child then by all means do so.

Here are additional resources you might be interested in:

Are Wilderness Programs for Troubled Teens?

How Wilderness Camps Discipline Teens